Are you thinking of buying a home and want to get it right?

This course is for you!

Join us for a 4-week live & interactive course with financial coaches Jill, Jaclyn and Kelsa. The purpose of this course is to help you feel more well-prepared and confident as you make this big decision. Buying a home may very well be the single largest purchase of your lifetime. It only makes sense to invest a bit of time, effort and money to learn how to ensure your home is a blessing and not a curse!

Pricing options

Referred by a realtor, lender, accountant or advisor? Ask them for their promo code to receive a special price!

What's included

Lessons will be delivered in a live & interactive format each week starting June 8th. Live classes happen from the comfort of your home or office - wherever you have a computer! If you can't join one of the lessons live, don't fret! Recordings will be made available within 24 hours so you aren't missing out on the valuable material!

  • 4 Weekly lessons to get you organized and prepared to make this big financial decision

  • Dozens of handouts and exercises to help you gain clarity and insights on your next home purchase

  • The ability to ask specific questions and gain customized guidance on your financial situation from experts in personal finance

  • Coaching from 3 experienced financial coaches who have helped hundreds of people, just like you, make really smart financial decisions

Don't delay! The course begins soon!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Topics We'll Cover...

    1. A message from your coaches

    2. What to Expect - Schedule and Agenda

    3. How to Use Zoom Conferencing

    4. Have Questions? Here's how to reach us!

    5. Join our community of Plan Makers!

    1. Introduction: Why do I really want to buy a house?

    2. Unhealthy Reasons to Buy a Home - Know these Red Flags!

    3. Will I save money on taxes by buying a house?

    4. Home Buying Readiness Scorecard: Keeping myself in check

    5. My Credit Score - Understanding its Impact and Strategies for Improving

    6. Budgeting The Fiscal Fitness Way

    7. Lesson 1: Action List

    8. Lesson 1: Additional Resources

    9. Share in the community!

    10. Couples in Conflict

    1. Introduction: How Much Can I Afford?

    2. So you're ready to buy? Let's start with important foundational knowledge

    3. Who are the key players in the home buying process?

    4. Online Mortgage Calculators: The good, the bad, the ugly

    5. Do I need a down payment?

    6. Financial Factors of Home Buying Every Buyer Must Know

    7. Your Budget: Expenses in addition to the mortgage

    8. House Hacking: What is it and When does it make sense?

    9. Lesson 2: Action List

    10. Lesson 2: Additional Resources

    1. Introduction: Strategies for Staying Hyper-Focused

    2. Making Your Non-Negotiable List

    3. Discover Your Wants List

    4. Couples in Alignment

    5. My 5-year Vision

    6. How to Make a Strong Offer

    7. Getting Organized - Keys to a Smooth Underwriting Process

    8. Before You Buy: Make Sure You Investigate These Items

    9. Expenses During the Home Buying Process

    10. Lesson 3: Action List

    11. Lesson 3: Additional Resources

    1. Introduction: After the close

    2. Strategies for a Stress-Free Move

    3. Your Budget: Don't Forget These Necessities (and some of these wants!)

    4. Home Projects: Get Organized to Prevent Overwhelm

    5. Getting Bids: A process for success

    6. DIY vs Hiring Help - How to Decide

    7. Home Warranties: Are they a good idea?

    8. Fulfillment Exercise: Appreciate What You Have while Desiring Things to be Different

    9. Lesson 4: Action List

    10. Lesson 4: Additional Resources

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Sound like a great fit? Register today!

Referred by a realtor, lender, accountant or advisor? Ask them for their promo code to receive a special price!

Frequently Asked Questions

You've got questions. We've got answers.

  • Is this an online course or in person?

    The Home Buyers' Course is a live, virtual course. Starting Monday June 8th from 5:30-7:30PM (AZ time) you will receive an invitation to join a virtual group meeting. You can join the meeting from anywhere you have your computer or smart phone - home, work, vacation, car (as long as you're not driving please!), kids' sporting event or practice, etc.

  • What kind of tech do I need to join the meetings?

    You will need a computer with wifi or a smart phone. From a phone you may need to download the Zoom app but that's it. You will need a microphone and camera (camera is optional) but most computers have that now. Zoom is EXTREMELY easy to use and we will provide instructions the first night of class so you feel comfortable. Feeling nervous about the tech side of things is understandable but it's not a reason no to join the course! We will help you don't worry!

  • I can't make one or more of the lessons, should I still enroll?

    Absolutely! All the lessons are recorded and made available to the course participants within 24 hours. So even if you can't join us live, you can still ask questions, get feedback and learn all there is to know about the home-buying process!

  • I'm not quite sure if I want to buy a house but I've been thinking about it, is this course for me?

    Absolutely! Whether you are currently in search of the perfect home or simply beginning to think about it, but not quite certain, this course will provide clarity and insights! It will be incredibly valuable to you whether you want to buy soon or sometime down the road.

  • How long do I gain access to the course?

    The course itself is 4-weeks long. At the conclusion of the course, you will have access to all the materials for 90 days. During that time, feel free to download the materials for reference later.

  • I'm not located in Phoenix, AZ, can I still join the course?

    While Fiscal Fitness was started in Phoenix, AZ, we have clients all over the country and even a few folks who live outside the states. We hold virtual meetings such as this all the time. We hope you will join us no matter where you live in the United States!

  • I'm not in the U.S., can I join the course?

    The course will be discussing the process, fees, obstacles and best practices of buying a home in the U.S. While you could enroll, many of the topics discussed will be specific to the U.S. only so it may not be the best course for our international followers.

  • I own a house already but am looking into real estate investing, is this course for me?

    This course will not cover strategies for flipping houses or for those looking to buy rental properties or investment properties.

  • I have more questions, how can I get those answered?

    We understand! We want you to feel confident in your choice to enroll in the course. If you have more questions that aren't answered here, please feel free to call us at (480)788-4588 or email us at [email protected]

Find out more

For more details and amazing resources, check out our website.